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    • Talk about your business
    • Talk about your plan
    • How we can help
    Join Now 
  • $49.99 - The Business Plan

    • Talk about your business
    • Talk about your plan
    • How we can help
    • Personalized Marketing Plan
    • How to Keep Clients
    • Learning Your Audience
    • Call Recording

    Everything for $50 off

    Join Now 
  • $1,250 - Take Action

    • Talk about your business
    • Talk about your plan
    • How we can help
    • Personalized Marketing Plan
    • How to Keep Clients
    • Learning Your Audience
    • Certification
    • 2 days Hands-On Training
    • Supplies for 30+ clients
    • 50+ page Lash Manual
    • Vendor's List
    • Ongoing Mentorship

    Everything for $250 off

    Change Your Life 

Don't Sleep on Yourself !

When I started I was 19 years old working at
Olive Garden not know how I was going to
pay for my Ubers let alone make $100,000! I
made ALOT of mistakes and I take teaching
so seriously so you can skip the stress and
focusing on scaling your business and
increasing your income!

Change Your Life